The center of continuous professional development carries out advanced training courses and retrainings for doctors, pharmacists and experts of an average link. Training is provided by highly qualified specialists: doctors of higher category, doctors and candidates of medical, pharmaceutical sciences, doctors of PhD.
Professional development expands the prospects of your career development, gives the chance to improve the knowledge in the chosen professional activity, to exchange experience with colleagues, to receive skills of the solution of practical tasks, consultation and support of professionals.
Training is provided internally and remotely that allows the listener to receive the main volume of material, interactive interaction of trainees and the teacher in the course of training and a possibility of independent work on development of the studied material.
We hold the seminars, conferences and master classes allowing to expand, deepen and improve earlier acquired knowledge.
Mission of the center
Main objectives and tasks of activity of the center:
Advantages of the program professional development and retrainings of personnel
ТОО «Центром непрерывного профессионального развития» на базе Шымкенской городской поликлиники № 12 в период
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)
+7 701 753-72-76
+7 701 334-28-15
8(7252) 53-06-41
Shymkent, st. Zh. Tashenova, 8. 1st floor